Monday, May 11, 2009

Iklan – derma masjid

Dear Brothers and Sisters - Assalamualykum,
Re Appeal for donation for UNE Mosque development

We are writing on behalf of the Muslim community in Armidale, Australia. Armidale is a small university-based town in New South Wales, Australia, with an approximate population of 25,000. There
are about 300 Muslims in and around Armidale. The only mosque is in the University campus, called UNE Mosque. A small house allotted by the University has been converted into a Mosque not only for
prayers, but also teaching the Holy Quraan and Hadith to children and newly converted Muslims. The UNE Mosque can accommodate only 30-40 people for prayers.

Recently we spent about $30,000 to repair the old house. The roof has been replaced, new carpet laid and the walls and ceiling painted. After the refurbishment, it became an excellent facility for the
local Muslim community.

However, there being no separate space for the women, they are compelled to fulfill their prayer rituals in a corner of the Mosque, separated by a curtain. Moreover, there is no ablution and toilet
facilities for the ladies.

To solve the problem of space, the design of an extension of the existing building (11m x 4m) including a toilet and an ablution area has been approved by the FMS of the University. The estimated
cost of the extension project is nearly $100,000. The small Armidale Muslim community (mainly constituted of student) cannot afford to provide this large sum of money from their personal savings.

Therefore, on behalf of the Armidale Muslim community, we appeal to our Muslim brothers and sisters in Australia and overseas to come forward with generous donations to support the Mosque extension work.
Surely, you shall be rewarded for this bequest when you need it most - in the life hereafter.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support, Wassalam

Mr Hussein Megahed

Dr Fakhrul Islam

You may send the cheques to the following address or deposit money to the following account:
UNE Mosque
c/o International Office, UNE Armidale NSW 2351 Australia
Phone: + 61 2 6773 3192; Fax: + 61 2 6773 3325

UNE Mosque Management Association
New England Credit Union
BSB: 802-292
Account No: 651895

NB. The University of New England (through FMS) has approved the project and (through International Office) has no objection to seeking funding in this way.

Saya sedang berbincang dengan setiausaha masjid berkenaan ingin mengutip derma online dari anda-anda semua. Mungkin untuk memudahkan anda semua, saya akan minta anda masukkan duit ke dalam bank saya (CIMB) *sila simpan bukti transaction* dan saya akan keluarkan duit elaun dari bank sini untuk bayar derma anda kepada masjid. Saya sedang berbincang soal resit dan harapnya dalam minggu ni boleh dapat maklumbalas dari setiausaha. Saya cuma terfikir soal currency change. Ada idea? *jeling Am*


  1. Saya bukan orang ekonomi. So tak berapa reti sangat tentang currency exchange.

    Cuma kalau nak diberikan resit, tulis sahajalah dalam mana-mana currency pun kan. Kalau duit tu terhilang sedikit kerana currency exchange procedure, takkan lah ada orang hendak marah pulak kan.

  2. wah. ayg fail bab tukar2 currency ni. smpai skrg x phm. hehe

    bagus usaha acu. ayg bangga :)

  3. acu, acu disablekan comment ek entry terbaru. apapun take care!! :)
