Thursday, December 24, 2009


Sampai pukul 5 tak boleh tidur.

Terjaga dari tidur dengan perasaan seperti baru lepas mimpi ngeri.

My head is spinning.

Oh, mahu mandi dan pergi bagi makan the jaybommies.

Selamat hari Khamis.

Charlie, why you didn't reply my sms?? *_*


Thank you. I'm at mudgee! now so the boring bit of the trip is over. Try and have fun without me!!

Sorry I didnt reply back to your last sms. I was so stupid and cant understand your sms. And today I just realized why I cant understand you sms. It's the later sentence you silly tweet!!! It will never be fun without you! TT^TT.


  1. acu, ayg br dpt tahu. buka ym acu x online. call, mcm biasa x dpt. just wanna say i'm very proud of u for being sooo strong. ayg mungkin x dpt rasa apa yg acu rasa, tentu lebih teruk perasaan sebenar acu drpd apa yg acu gmbrkn di sini, tp ayg akan doakan dr jauh semoga acu boleh mengharunginya, slowly. time heals.

    charlie wanted u to have fun and be happy. that was her wish, so don't let her down ok acu?

  2. k.dijah...takziah.
    org baru perasan name sbnr charlie charlotte jack.
    be strong k.

    -kinah prime-
