Monday, March 15, 2010


I just cant give up. I'm not the only one feeling stress while studying. In this world, I am not the only one with stress in life. There are other countries, other ethnicities, other nations, one life, organisms, all have their on stress. I am not the only one which is why I can't just think of myself. (DiYoung)
After I found out that I'm stressed, I hate myself, but I already forgive myself. (DiHo)
When I laugh doesnt mean that I'm not stressed. (lupa sapa cakap, DiHo kots)
I am not a celebrity but still I cant cringe at people just because I'm stressed (DiYeon).
Do you want me to make fool of myself meroyaning in front of others because I'm stressed? (DiSung)
I know, stress will fade away with time..(DiYeon)
Seriously, couldnt I even get a vacation? kehkehkeh

ps; ini takde kena mengena ngan saya. Saya tak stress. Tapi saje nak join trend terkini tulis entry dengan guna ayat2 5pm masa conference..kekeke.
Jang Wooyoung: But the reason we made such a decision is because in this world, we are not the only people living in it. There are other countries, other ethnicities, other nations, one life, organisms… We are not the only ones which is why we can’t just think of ourselves. (From Conference 2/27/10)

The most fun thing to do now is making fun of 5pms. Good distraction! =)


  1. ayg x dpt tangkap sape diho, diyeon dll, tp bila baca quote tu rasa mcm pernah baca somewhere. hehe, skarang baru dpt tangkap :) lawak. :p

  2. ayang: diyoung (dijah-wooyoung)
    diyeaon (dijah-taceyeon)
