Saturday, March 6, 2010

I want to learn how to use a handgun. Anyone?

1. I'm missing Charlotte more than I could ever imagined.

2. I am a talkative, kepochi, short tempered lady that is having difficulties to adapt and tolerate others.

3. I'm hating all the 2pm 5pm members (excluding Nichkhun Horvejkul). I cant even look at their faces without this feeling - want to chop their heads off and feed them to the hungry wolves in Armidale. Seriously, I want to koyakkan mulut Taec and korek mata Junho and potong hidung Junsu and tarik rambut Chansung dan tikam pipi Woo. Dont ask me why, I dont have the answer. Kpop fandom is really bad for your health! Distraction from your stressful PhD? Think again.

4. I want to see penguins in real life.

5. I almost broke into tears today when identifying and marking the pens of the animals that will be killed on the 22nd March. I just can't look into their eyes as they now can recognize me (I think so!) and will jump (hungrily) as soon as I enter the room. Yes, it might be pavlov's theory. But by the way they look at me, I think its more than Pavlov theory.
*a visit to psychiatrist perhaps? huks*

6. Go away. If you hate me so damn much, why bother to come to my blog like 5 times per day even when there is no post and seriously 65 times per day when there is an entry? This. is.really.annoying.

Please remind me that every single thing in this world happened for a damn good reason.


EDIT: Tergelak beso bila baca blog mak. Okes, sudah kurang emo bila baca nama Yamapi kat blog mak.keke. Tapi orang kata Yamapi mendiva sekarang. Semoga Yamapi berubah attitude dan ubah pesen rambut, aminnnn. kekeke


  1. kekekekekeke... opss! haippp mana boleh handgun!

    yeah, indeed everything happened for a reason... *sigh*

    take care dijah!

  2. acu, handgun tu yg kecik tu ke? guna yang boleh tembak 20 peluru dlm 1 saat tu, ayg tgk kat csi.

    acu, betul2 semua berlaku ada reasons. tp kita akan tahu di kemudian hari.

    ayang pun pelik kenapa si taec dan junho ke junsu ntah sape ntah yg berani tinggal komen kat web pasal lets start again. wtf. diorng tahu x erti, diam lebih baik dr berbicara dlm situation like this. ayg izinkan acu koyak mulut diorang sekor2.

    nampaknya acu ada stalker selain ayang. sapekah itu yg berani nak celen ayg refresh blog acu sehingga 5 kali walau tanpa entry? let us meet face to face.

    acu, it's normal to feel that way, sama mcm ayg rasa haritu (time ayg tanya acu kenapa pompuan x kawin mesti rasa macam ni then acu ckp pompuan dh kawin pun rasa xbest mcm ni every month). tips ayg, bnykkan tdo n hopefully by tomorrow acu boleh bangun tdo dgn senyuman. keke

    animals to be killed? oh..ayg tgk anjing tergilis pun x dpt pi kuliah hampir seminggu. ayg x mungkin, x mungkin masuk kos seperti acu. ur stronger than u think acu. daebak!

  3. yeah, everything happened for a damn good reason*mata berkaca-kaca sambil menaip* ;(

    blame the hormone jugak. haih haih

  4. Kak Rambler, kekeke. thankyou..U take care too ok?

    Ayang, seriously..

    1. dia tak reti ke dok diam2 tunggu semua reda? walaupun cyworld to peribadi, takkan dia tatau netizen baca entry dia hehari. Ngokngek. Memang gila glemer lah Taec ni. Padanlah org bagi dia nickname Bastaec. haish. Junsu lagi sekorrrrrrr. eiii, geramnya!!! Nak potong2 hidung dia yang baru lepas bedah tu! Silap besar la Acu masuk 2od bila tgh emo. Hope Khun keluar dari 6pm. Tadi Acu tengok Blackbox yang cover isu myspace Jay, silap besar lagi. Emo betul hari ni. Acu ok je sebenarnya tapi entah kenapa hari ni rasa nak hempuk sekor-sekor 6pm,termasuk Khun.

    2. Ayang, bukan stalker. hater. kekeke. abaikan tu, saje gedik2. harap hater tu bukan hottest. Acu tak boleh tolerate even hottest sekarang. Kita I AM skarang kan? keke Tapiiiiiiii, Acu tak suka Seulong. Acu ada instinct dia nih tapahapa. Acu sokong Jinwoon! Kwon ayang punya..hehehe

    3. Acu memang takleh tengok muka depa..sedih ayang..terasa mcm nak bunuh hamtaro (hamster yang comel kat tv tu)..tataulah mcmana hari semelih nanti. hukkkkks.

    4. Takleh tido, banyak kerja. But..kawan ikan Thai ajak acu pegi jenjalan ke pantai nanti bulan april *pengsan*. Tapi, kegedikan tak mampu mengatasi keemoan hari ni...hukkkkks

    Noure..pulak...semalam org lain merajuk. Hari ni org lain pulak? Take care okes. Minum air panas, tiso, main ngan chibi, jangan masuk web gossip. oh, jauhkan diri dari LELAKI. kekekeke
