Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dandelion yang ditiup angin

1. Dapat email yang result questionnaire yang kitorang jawab tu sudah dianalisa dan dilaporkan dalam suratkhabar, tentang tahap kepuasan belajar di Aussie. Link sini. Tengah tunggu apa hasil soal jawab tentang depression. 100% international student suffering from depression? LOL. hehehe.

2. All the sv's are nowhere to be seen.
So, I decided tonight to force myself - trying to finish it even I dont know how to. It was fun, it was a family. But I just dont know what actually happened. Its not like how I felt before. Difficult? Confused? Lost? I'm sorry for not taking the responsibility fullheartedly. Please dont blame the hormones. But please understand that I'm just an aging woman that failed to juggle few balls at once and never had a practice to catch the ball neatly and gracefully. Thank you to a friend who yesterday threw me the ball and I will try to throw it back before it all ends.

3. Kawan charlie mesej saya di FB untuk tahu maklumat bagaimana arwah meninggal. Saya tak pernah jangka yang membalas mesej di FB boleh meruntun jiwa. Entah berapa kali saya seka air mata dan menghela nafas.

Hello Bec. I am happy to receive your message. Happy but at the same time sad because thinking of Charlotte. Charlotte was found dead at her family home in Bathurst (if I'm not mistaken on 22nd of December). She went home on Sunday and was found dead while sleeping soundly on Tuesday morning. Until the time I write this message to you, we havent heard of any cause of death yet. But I'm personally guessing her sugar level was very low in the blood (and to the brain) during her sleep since she was having diabetes type 1. Few weeks before she went home for the holiday, she continuously whinges about headache and feeling like a big sack of crap. She also said that she can see flashbacks and having difficulties sleeping. My regret was I treated her complains as normal (just asking her to chill out and not to stress) as she was struggling with her data and I was struggling with my experiment. I should suggest her to pay a visit to the doctor and discuss about the symptoms since she once passed out due to very low sugar in the blood (hypo). Her funeral was held on the 31st of december and she was rested at a beautiful spot near the family's property at Bathurst. Its sad when thinking about it. But for me, let us not stop talk about her and all her good deeds. She will always be in our heart forever.


Jangan tanya, saya sendiri tatau kenapa saya paste kat sini.

3. Update on my work: Bebiri semua semakin comel dan mata bersinar-sinar and I'm freaking out. Perlu ke tetiba depa jadi sangat gebu comel just few weeks before pembunuhan beramai-ramai? THIS IS SAD!
I need to prepare the chemical and all the materials for the killing and we will be killing 17 sheep per day *kesat peluh kat dahi* starting 22nd March. Skang ni kena siapkan apa yang patut dan perlu list down apa yang patut sebab nanti apa yang patut tu tak pulak dapat disiapkan. sebab terlupa/terlepas pandang. Tak patut!

4. Saya meresap semua keemoan dari blog lain, dan keemoan dari isu 2pm. kekeke. Maka, otak saya mendatar, hati saya mendatar, jiwa saya mendatar. Hari ni birthday gareth dan kami semua LUPA. T_T. Mungkinkah ini musim luruh dalam hati buat wanita2 menyebabkan banyak benda yang terabai?

5. Itik, bebiri, kangaroo, kambing, koala dan ular semuanya adalah haiwan. Saya mahu jadi bebiri.

1 comment:

  1. balasan msj acu di fb itu buat ayg tersedar yg ayg perlu mnghargai setiap manusia yang ada di sekeliling ayg, termasuklah pakcik yg ckp ayg bodoh, pencuri ubat sakit tekak, dan pakcik yg mahukan ayg ingat ubat bini2 dia makan.

    acu, everything happens for a reason. it's up to us to think about what the reasons should be.

    ayg x pernah kehilangan kawan sebegitu rapat. ayg pinjam semangat acu sekiranya saat itu tiba nanti. but i prefer to be the one to go first. ayg x mungkin sekuat acu. seriously.

    ayang nak jadi kangaroo, tp kat discovery channel ckp kangaroo bnyk mati kat australia sbb petani2 bnyk pasang perangkap. betul ke? kalo camtu ayg jadi biri2 juga seperti acu. cuma ayg nk bulu biru muda dan subang kaler pink. kita sama2 berbual sambil ragut rumput. tapi ayang nk dok new zealand sbb dlm lotr, new zealand mcm cantik.
