Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Siapa dambaan wanita?

Wanita tak dambakan lelaki yang dok sentap ke hulu sentap ke hilir kemudian meroyan kat status FB. Tak cukup dengan itu balas pulak status orang lain dengan royanan dan perlian yang tak sudah-sudah. Walaupun kadangkala kaki royan ini ambil langkah yang berbunyi cool seperti mengirim mesej untuk mengelakkan salah faham diperhatikan seluruh penduduk bumi, namun alangkah sadisnya apabila mesej yang dikirim adalah lebih keji dan hina, penuh dengan caci maki tanpa segan silu.

Dengar sini baik-baik. Lelaki ni ketua keluarga. KETUA. Kenapa dipilih lelaki sebagai ketua? Sebab lelaki ini emosinya lebih terkawal. Lelaki lebih rasional. Lelaki lebih cool. Lelaki lebih relaks. Maka, dijangkakan kebanyakan tindak tanduknya berdasarkan kematangan. Berdasarkan rasional. Kalau dah emosi kalahkan pompuan, baik pompuan takyah kawin.

Dahtu kalau pompuan meroyan macam orang gila, takkan nak diam je? Kalau pompuan yang cari pasal dulu takkan nak diam? Bacul namanya..

Helo cik abang, diam boleh tak? Sila belajar dari Jay. Dia dambaan berjuta penduduk bumi.
(Entry takde hala tuju yang pasti ini dedikasi untuk peminat-peminat Jay)

nota kaki: Parody lagu U go girl - Hyori. Suka lagu Hyori lepas tgk vid ni. keke

Translation lirik

It’s the prince
Park Jay Bum

He’s back, yeah. 2010
Boy boy hey perfect boy
Deledele that that that boy

Boy boy hey so cute boy
Baby baby baby baby boy

Where should I hide the mangoes today
Wouldn’t someone steal my bananas too
Should I eat mangoes, eat bananas
Don’t worry about it boy

Now eat whatever you want
Now do whatever you want
Sing, dance again
and rap as much as you like boy

Boy boy hey perfect boy
Deledele that that that boy
Boy boy hey so cute boy
Baby baby baby baby boy

From now be truthful from now be proud
and show yourself more right this moment
Through your YouTube
Sometimes sweetly sometimes intensely
Show your talents right this moment
Through your YouTube

Boy boy hey perfect boy
Deledele that that that boy
Boy boy hey so cute boy
Baby baby baby baby boy

What’s the reason for news articles today
Did something happen again
What do I do for this, what do I do for that
Don’t worry worry about it boy

I didn’t do anything wrong so I stand straight and proud
I just chill with my fans happily
Now don’t interfere with my life
I’m a ‘citizen’ now boy

Boy boy hey sexy boy
Deledele that that that boy
Boy boy hey lovely boy
Baby baby baby baby boy

From now on I’m going to be free from any restraints
and show my talents right this moment
Through my YouTube

With my AOM friend I’m going to show
The most wonderful performance in the world
Make my name known in the whole world

Thanx Fans Thanx Girls
Let Me Take U my stage

It’s allright
Hey girl GIVE ME a HUG
Biggest jewel, (my) everything
You are my only girl
It’s allright
Hey girl GIVE ME a Kiss

Boy boy hey perfect boy
Deledele that that that boy
Boy boy hey so cute boy
Baby baby baby baby boy
Boy boy hey sexy boy
Deledele that that that boy

Boy boy hey lovely boy
Baby baby baby baby boy
I like that that that boy
and let me seeya bring it
back back back boy

I like that that that boy
and let me seeya bring it
back back back boy
I like that that that boy
and let me seeya bring it
back back back boy

I like that that that boy
and let me seeya bring it
back back back boy

I luv Jay

nota six pax: Ada orang Mesir mahu celen Jay Park? Helo...bulu roma pon dah kalah la baiiii!! Nanti bulan 9 pastikan eight pax!!! ke ke ke. For time being, Jay menang. ke ke ke.


  1. ye, perempuan x suka lelaki kaki sentap. cukuplah perempuan saja. lelaki perlu pandai coolkan kesentapan. :)

  2. senang cerita..itu laki x matang..laki matang selalunye malas nak kecoh-kecoh..habis-habis..diam kejap tunggu pompuan cool balik..

    tapi pompuan pun kene belajar jadi cool supaya laki malu nak sentap bagai...
